Thriving in Times of Change
Delaware Bio and DESCA are excited to bring you Delaware's 5th annual Inspiring Women in STEM Conference on Wednesday, October 18th.
Global, sustained, macro-economic forces are impacting businesses, economies, societies, and personal lives thereby defining our future world and its increasing pace of change. Rapid change is taking place in Delaware within our employment base, job growth, and career opportunities. The 2017 Inspiring Women in STEM Conference will explore these changes and provide tools and guidance for how to adapt and flourish within a rapidly changing environment.
The Inspiring Women in STEM Conference is a high value professional development program designed to support women in leadership and those who aspire for leadership. The conference will feature engaging, skill-building sessions for women in technical careers, and leaders within science and technology-based companies.
Join us for a day of learning, inspiration and professional growth – and leave with a personal action plan to improve your success.